
We help parents of children aged 0-6 discover and develop their child's inner genius.

Nature & Nurture

We celebrate the potential of every child as we do a garden, with the possibility to flourish and produce abundantly. This potential, the child’s hidden talents, needs to be nurtured and cultivated just as the seeds in a garden need care to bear fruit.
For decades, it was believed that our brain and intelligence were genetically programmed, and its capabilities and structure were fully dependent on hereditary and biological factors. It was believed that a child's brain potential was not dependent on its environment. Neuroscientists have now discovered that the brain can be "exercised like a muscle" and that environmental conditions influence a child's brain development.
The Talents Garden team is fascinated by the possibilities of developing inner genius by stimulating the brain of each child. Like modern neuroscience, in our Talents Garden, we see the interplay of genes and environment. Therefore, we formulated NATURE and NURTURE as two factors working together. Recognizing the interdependence of NATURE and NURTURE provides the foundation for Talents Garden!


Every child is born with seeds of wonderful potential. The seeds are in the child. These are gifts, talents, skills, and abilities given to a child by God that must be nurtured in order for them to grow and be fully developed.


Parents provide an environment conducive to the development of this potential. Our simple, fun, and multi-sensory activities, based on The Five Stages of Talents Garden Growth, will help you provide this essential environment.

The Five Stages of Talents Garden Growth

The Talents Garden distinguishes five areas of parents' involvement in discovering and developing their child’s potential. We describe each stage in terms of the growth of plants in a garden. By providing a child with a fertile environment, their talents have the best opportunity to blossom.

Cultivating CURIOSITY

As soil provides an environment for seeds to grow, parents create an environment that supports and nurtures a child’s gifts and talents by encouraging their interests and willingness to learn.


As seeds require water to grow, a child’s talents and brain must be regularly “watered.” Visual, auditory, and tactile stimulation provide multi-modal motivation to develop learning and cognition.


Like plant roots branching throughout the soil, connections made in the brain form a network that is the foundation of creativity. Creativity provides the ability to solve problems and generate new ideas quickly.


Sprouting occurs whenever a new growth pushes through the soil, presenting a new plant. This occurs when a child begins to communicate what they are learning and expresses their enthusiasm. This is an opportunity to reinforce their strengths, encourage their interest, and show them how much they are loved and respected.

Blooming CARE

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